Many of our events are produced online in association with Berks County Television (www.bctv.org). To view our programs or find our live presentations, please click here for helpful information to find
LWV Berks County on bctv.org
You can also view LWV-Berks anytime on their own BCTV-YouTube Channel:
Featured events for this upcoming election season!
Candidates Up Front (9/30/22)
Candidate Interviews (9/28/22)
Fall 2022:
December 12th, time - tbd
The League Presents - topic forthcoming
Check back soon for details
November 8th, time - tbd
The League Presents - topic forthcoming
Check back soon for details
November 8th - ELECTION DAY
Get out and vote! Tell your friends and family!
Pop-up Voter Registration Events - October
We're popping up to help fellow citizens register to vote!
Women's Club of Reading (WCR) Center for the Arts - "Takeover" - North 5th St, Reading, PA - October 8th, 1 to 3:30 PM
Reading High School - October 8th, 10 AM to 1:30 PM - Giegle Complex (co-hosted with Sisters Network & Earth Day Group)
GRUC Candidate Forum - 6th Congressional District - Miller Center, Reading, PA - 5:30 to 8:30 PM
PSU-Berks - Family & Homecoming Weekend - details tbd
Antietam Farmers Market - October 17th - 5 to 7 PM
Kutztown University "Rock the Vote" - October 11th - 1 to 3 PM
October 29th - 6 to 7 PM
LWV-Berks New Member Orientation
October 23rd - 7 to 8:30 PM
Congressional Debate - 6th District - Houlihan and Ciarrochi
Miller Center, Reading, Pa
October 14th, time -8 to 9 PM
The League Presents: The November 8th Election- Candidates Up Front
October 11th, time -8 to 9 PM
The League Presents: What's on Your Ballot?
LVW Berks members Judith Kraines and Bill Litvin talk to Commissioner Barnhardt about the November 8th election.
Check back soon to view the discussion.
Month of October Mailings!
Postcard Mailings all month
Cards in the mail starting the 15th and last day to mail, the 22nd.
"The League of Women Voters committed to writing, addressing, and mailing over 3,000 postcards for the General Election. Most of you volunteered to write or address several dozen postcards – some of you have completed several hundred. I am so proud of our League and the dedication to support, engage, and encourage voters."
- The LWV-PA
October 3rd - 6 PM
LWV-PA Presents:
PA Constitutional Amendments: Substance and Process
Hosted by Susan Gobreski, LWVPA, Government Policy
October 3rd - 7th
National Voter Education Week
Week of interactive education for voters.
October 1st - Noon
LWV-Berks hosts District 129 "Candidate Debate"
Wyomissing Library
Friday September 30th - 3:30 to 5 PM
Ballots PA Vets hosts Veterans for Political Innovation - VFW Post 1463, Lititz, PA
Founder Eric Bronner leads the discussion with state and national leaders why this national group of veterans has decided to endorse Ballot PA’s campaign to repeal closed primaries.
To learn more or register.
Tuesday September 20th
National Voter Registration Day!
Voter registration is more important than ever to ensure community members can have their voice heard. Every eligible American deserves the chance to participate in upcoming elections—and that starts with getting registered to vote or updating their status if needed. Then National League of Women Voters is asking every state and local League to take part in National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) by signing up as an official partner and hosting a registration event on September 20th. Whether you'll be promoting voter registration day via a community registration drive, spreading the word on social media, texting voters to remind them about registration deadlines or working with partners to spread the word, we need you!
The message is simple: now is the time to register, or update your registration, to ensure you are able to vote.
September Voter Registration Pop-Up Events!
Voter registration events we are hosting through the month of September:
Phoebe Berks - Reading, PA - September 27th, 6:30 PM
Cultural Diversity Festival - Reading City Park, Reading PA - September 24th - Noon to 7 PM
Kutztown University - Kutztown, PA - 11:3o to 1:30 PM - September 20th
Alvernia College - Reading, PA - 11:30 to 1:30 PM- September 20th
Puerto Rican Festival - Penn Ave in Reading, PA - Noon to 7 PM - September 18th
September 15th - 3 to 4 PM
LWV-Berks "Hot Topics" presents: Housing
Join us for this Zoom discussion; check back soon for more info and Zoom link
September 13th, 8 to 9 PM
The League Presents: How State Government Works
September 13th, 6 to 7 PM
LVW-PA presents: Ballot Box Basics
Discussion focused on lection security, ballot security and election audits.
HDC Mid-Atlantic Voter Registration Drive
Berks County, PA
Date and time - tbd
Or contact:
HDC Mid Atlantic (www.hdcweb.org)
Summer 2022
June to August 2022
Help a recent grad register to vote!
Virtual campaign by the LWV
You can
download three e-postcards (english & spanish) to send via an email to a recent grad in your life.
August Pop-Up Voter Registration Events!
We're popping by your location to help all interested get registered to vote!
South Penn Block Party at Reading Iron Playground- Reading, PA - 2 to 5PM - August 27th
Reading Area Community College - Reading, PA - 8:00 AM to Noon - August 22nd & 23rd
River Run Meadows 190 Spring Cove Court, Birdsboro, PA - 6:00 to 7:30 PM - August 18th
GoggleWorks - First Friday - Reading, PA - 6 PM - August 5th
Providence House, Reading PA -Noon to 1 PM - August 5th
River Run, Reading PA - 10 AM to Noon - August 10th
August 16th
Help America Vote Day
Learn how to become a poll worker to help your fellow citizens vote!
August 9th - 8 PM
The League Presents: The Cost of Gun Violence - How does gun violence affect your pocket?
July Pop-Up Voter Registration Events!
We're popping by your location to help all interested get registered to vote!
10:00AM to Noon - Providence House - 800 Court St, Reading, PA 19601- July 29th
6:00 PM to 7:30 PM - Hamburg Apts - 690 E State Street, Hamburg, PA 19526 - July 27th
10:30 - 11:30 AM - Southgate Apts 815 Leesport Rd, Leesport, PA 19533 - July 22nd
1:30 to 2:30 PM - Henner Apts 24 East High St, Womelsdorf, PA 19567 - July 22nd
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM - Penn's Common Court, 1040 Penn St Reading, PA 19601 - July 15th
1 to 2 PM - Market Square Apts, 801 Penn St, Reading, PA 19601 - July 15th
1 to 2 PM - HDC, Reading , PA - July 15th
9AM to Noon - Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom' Rummage Sale, Wyomissing PA- July 16th, 17th, 18th
July 12th, time - tbd
The League Presents: Open Primaries
hosted by LWV member Judith Kraines with guests Diana Dakey and David Thornburgh.
June 23rd through 26th
LVW US National Convention, Denver, Co. & virtually
Update: The League hosted its biennial convention from June 23-26.
June 14th, 8 to 9 PM
League Presents: Berks County Passenger Rail proposed for Reading to Philadelphia
BCTV.org -
Learn more about the interest in Berks County to bring back passenger rail. John Weidenhammer and County Commissioner Christian Leinbach joins this discussion with the League. Click here to download
program flyer. Interested in seeing
proposed train styles, click here.
June 9th, 4 to 7PM
LWVBerks presents "Hot Topics: Neighborhood Housing Forum
PA housing panel discussion held at Albright University. Designed for elected officials, planning and zoning professionals as well as the general public. This informative two hour telecast was recorded by BCTV in association with
Reading-Berks Association of Realtors and
Albright Center for Excellence in Local Government and LVW-Berks and made available online at 6/22 at 9PM.
View it here.
June 6th & 7th, 8 AM to Noon
Voter Registration Event
Reading, PA
Contact us for details, location at RACC's campus.
May 2022
May 17th
Election Day!
Don't forget to vote in the 2022 PA Primaries!
May 14th - 1:30 PM
Meet the Candidates for PA 129th Legislative District!
Wyomissing Library
Presented by the League of Women Voters Berks County.
Your vote is your voice, speak up with Mark Detterline, Johanny Cepeda-Freyitz, moderated by Judith Kraines of LWV-Berks.
Click here for the flyer.
May 10th, 8 PM
The League Presents: Everything you need to know about the May Election
Moderator Judith Kraines with with Berks County Commissioners and Election Board members Kevin Barnhardt and Michael Rivera. Topics include:
The rules and deadlines for mail in ballots
How to find your polling place
The new poll books and how to sign in to vote
The almost-new voting machines
The process for counting votes, certifying and reporting results.
May 2nd
Candidate interviews for the 2022 PA Primary
hosted by LWV Berks County Presents online at bctv.org
Binge watch all the candidate interviews during LWV Presents that have taken place Spring 2022.
Click here
to view what candidates are running in PA and in Berks County and why they are running.
April 2022
April 21st-May 17th
Ballot Box Basics: information every voter needs
Online webinar series hosted by LWV-PA will discuss
PA Voting Basics, how to register to vote, researching your ballot, voting in person versue by mail, find your polling place, working the polls, voter ID requirements.
Learn more
April 23rd - Noon to 6 PM
Berks County Earth Day Event!
Reading City Park, Reading, PA
Visit LWV-Berks at their table during this 'green' event, learn how to register to vote, learn about LWV-Berks and anything else about how to vote!
Email us
to learn more. And don't forget to stop by our Centennial Tree!
April 18th - 6:30 PM
LWV- Pennsylvania & Women's Law Project hosts:
Abortion Rights Under Attack - discussion
Join the league and the Women's Law Project in a discussion how we can all protect a woman's reproductive rights by saying no to SB956. Click here
learn more. Email LWV-PA
to register for the event.
April 18th- 11 to 2 PM
Penn State Berks Voter Registration Day!
Join LWV-Berks on-deck to help PSU students register to vote and learn more about LWV and LWV-Berks, too!
Email us to learn more.
April 6th, 7 PM (EST)
Should the federal government have veto power over state laws?
How much power – and what kind of power – should the federal government have over states? Sponsored by the Greenwich, CT LWV and various collaborative partners, a community discussion of these timely questions will be moderated by Professor David Moss of the Harvard Business School. The evening’s discussion is titled James Madison, the “Federal Negative” and the Making of the U.S. Constitution. The case centers on a key debate at the constitutional convention of 1787. Dr. Kamlani and the Greenwich LWV have worked with Dr. Moss on the Harvard Case Study Program for several years; there are now 115 chapters in 33 states thus far. Here’s an opportunity to see the work in action!
Click here to register for this event and receive video-call link.
Candidate Interviews!
Check back for details regarding LVW-Berks' 2022 candidate interviews' to be posted on BCTV.org!
Interviews taped March 25th, March 29th, March 30th, March 31st, 2022
March 2022
LWV Registration Campaign Multiplies!
With primary elections kicking off, the LWV has launched multiple vote registration campaigns to empower underserved communities across the nation. These include young people, new citizens and those returning from incarceration.
Click here to learn more.
March 31st- 7 to 8:30 PM
Introduction to LWV-Berks County
Presented by Wenda Kincaid & Judith Kraines
This zoom program is designed to serve as an introduction to newer and also to potential members of LWVBC.
Current members are encouraged to join as well and can share their experiences and how LWVBC impacted on them.
Email the league to register and receive a zoom link.
March 29th, 5 PM (EST)
LWV-US presents "Community Call"
A virtual space where Leagues discuss and share challenges and resources to build a cross-learning and relationship-building League environment.
Click here to register for this event and receive the video-call link.
March 16th - 7:30 - 9 PM
Follow the Monday....to School
Panel discussion presented by AAUW West Chester/Chester County
Click here
download this flyer about tax dollars and funding of public, charter and cyber schools in PA as well as info about how to attend.
March 16th - 7 PM
"Keep politics out of our judicial process" discussion
Hosted by LWV-Pittsburgh
There are a number of bills pending in the current PA legislative session which threaten the independence of the judiciary. Join PMC and the LWV of Greater Pittsburgh for a discussion about these threats, and how concerned Pennsylvanians can take action to defend judicial independence.
Click here
to register & join this virtual discussion.
March 16th - 7:30 - 9 PM
Follow the Monday....to School
Panel discussion presented by AAUW West Chester/Chester County
Click here to download this flyer about tax dollars and funding of public, charter and cyber schools in PA as well as info about how to attend.
March 15th - 6:30 to 8 PM
Voter Registration Training (virtual)
Sponsored by the LWV-Berks
Join us for training to help others register to vote, or refresh your registration training. All are welcome.
Email us
for the Zoom link.
March 12th - 10 AM to Noon
Women's History Alliance - BHC Museum
First Females in Berks County - Past & Present
Suffragette 2020 Celebration Continues!
Learn more about the women of our community who helped gain and maintain women's right to vote!
March 11th - Noon
LWV-PA's Hot Topic: Voter beware of PA Constitutional Ballot Questions
This presentation is intended to raise voter knowledge and awareness about the process of strategically inserted partisan ballot questions, the importance and possible consequences of constitutional ballot questions and the increasing attempts to misuse them by the PA legislature as a political strategy for partisan gain. Moderator, Jodine Mayberry, LWV.
Click here to register to attend this virtual discussion.
March 9th - 6 PM
FDPA-LWVPA Collaboration Meeting
Hosted by LWV-PA
Join Fair Districts Pa and the LWVPA Voter Services Committee members for a joint statewide meeting on March 9 at 6:00 P.M.. We will discuss coordinating efforts to educate our communities on voting and the new districts. After brief opening remarks, attendees can join regional groups for a brainstorming session.
Click here to attend.
March 8th - 8 to 9 PM
LWV-Berks Presents: Women in Government
Learn how our State Senate and US House of Representatives actually work from four women who represent Berks County.
Guests included: PA Senator Judy Schwank; PA Senator Katie Muth (44th District); US Representative Chrissy Houlahan (6th Congressional District); US Representative Madelaine Dean (4th Congressional District). Program streamed live on www.bctv.org; Comcast Reading 15, Comcast Southern Berks 965; and Service Electric Channel 19. Click to
this recording, now posted online:
March 5th - 10 to 2 PM
Resource Day!
Pike Resource Center
Hosted by the Mayor's Office of Reading, PA
Visit LWV-Berks at their table during this event to learn how to register to vote and how to become a volunteer pollworker. Click here to learn more about
Resource Day or to register to attend this free event!
March 2nd - 5 PM PST
Safeguarding Free and Fair Elections.
Sponsored by Jews United for Democracy & Justice and Community Advocates, Inc., part of their America at a Crossroads series.
Featuring two leading election attorneys, Benjamin Ginsberg and Bob Bauer, in conversation with NPR’s Pam Fessler. Click here to register.
February 2022
Tuesday February 8th - 8 to 9 PM - Watch live via streaming on www.bctv.org!
Election Integrity & the Election Audit
Join us on BCTV as the League discusses election integrity and the election audit. The League welcomes to this conversation: Ron Bandes, Election Integrity Director for the LWV-Greater Pittsburgh, Donna Blatt and Anne Norton of the Berks County Election Services and poll volunteer, Ruth Martelli.
Click here to read more. Question please email LWVBerks.
Click here to view
the recording of this broadcast.
Wednesday, February 23rd - 3 to 4 PM Winter
Kickoff Event: PA Governor's Civic Engagement Awards Program: Invitation for students and young people to become volunteer poll workers.
Department of State's Sandra Aguillera to speak during this virtual meeting, via MS Teams.
January 2022
Saturday January 15th (9AM) & Sunday January 16th (8 PM)
The League Presents: Democracy is NOT a spectator sport!
Host Judith Kraines leads the discussion of how the impact of prospective re-districting maps for PA House & Senate will affect Berks County and its citizens and how we as citizens can impact the process.
Public discussion, non-partisan, about the impact of the newly drawn maps; timely as the public has has until January 16th to comment on the maps. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Review the current map and proposed LRC at
Compare the Maps
Issues to be covered include: how will proposed districts affect you and your neighbors. What has happened in your district? Is their population equity? Partisan fairness? Competitiveness? Minority representation? For other map info visit:
https://www.redistricting.state.pa.us/maps or
Thursday, January 6th - 6 PM at 5th & Penn Streets in Reading, PA
Vigil on Voting Rights
Voting rights are 'the' issue for 2022, we cannot lose this opportunity to make our voices heard. Join us for this vigil and contact us for future ways to get involved with protecting the right to vote for everyone. To learn more about the vigil and rsvp,
click here. This part of candle light vigils being held nationwide to say "we are one America" and the Senate must pass the Freedom to Vote Act, the Protecting our Democracy Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Read about the vigil in the
Reading Eagle.
To view our 2021 events,
click here.