Many of our events are produced online in association with Berks County Television (www.bctv.org). To view our programs or find our live presentations, please click here for helpful information to find
LWV Berks County on bctv.org
You can also view LWV-Berks anytime on their own BCTV-YouTube Channel:
(most recent program appears first)
Where & when can you view our shows on local television?
Click here.
Summer 2023:
Now thru June 2023
What is happening in your township?
The Berks County Planning Commission working with Greater Reading Chamber Alliance, Reading-Berks Association of Realtors, Berks County Redevelopment Authority, and Berks County Industrial Development Authority has put together a series of Municipality Meetings “Capitalizing on Your Municipality’s Opportunities”. The focus will be on planning, housing, land use, and industrial development. This presents a great opportunity to hear how your municipality is preparing to respond to these topics and new opportunities. These are in-person events.
Juneteenth Weekend Celebration - June 16th - 18th
Albright College
Hosted by City of Reading Juneteenth Committee
For more info about this weekend of remembrance,
download this flyer
and please check back soon.
LWV PA Biennial Convention - June 16th & 17th
Crown Plaza - Harrisburg, PA
The 2023 Convention will take place in person from Friday, June 16 to Sunday, June 18 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Harrisburg. All programming on Friday will be optional, with voting and business taking place on Saturday and Sunday. This will give our working members plenty of time to arrive in Harrisburg. Tickets for Convention are on sale here.
Please note that lodging is a separate cost and is NOT included in this registration. The League has reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Crowne Plaza at a rate of $119 per night. To reserve a room, click this link, or call 717-234-502 and mention the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania Convention. See our website for more information.
If you are interested in or planning to attend as a delegate, contact your local League president to confirm your attendance. If you’re a member-at-large and are interested in acting as a delegate, contact samantha.anthony@palwv.org. Delegates must be confirmed by local League presidents to LWVPA staff by May 1.
Spring 2023
Tuesday May 9th - 8 pm
The League Presents: After you vote...election security.
April 30th - May 6th
Candidates for the upcoming Primaries
In partnership with BCTV, League interviewed 31 candidates for Judge, District Justice, County Commissioner, Recorder of Deeds, Mayor, City Council President, City Council districts, and Reading School Board for Candidates Up Front.
Here is the link to all the interviews, arranged by office and last name. These originally aired on bctv.org but you can now watch them online anytime.
April 11th to April 30th
Climate Action in your Community
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) wants to hear from you about climate action in your community!
To better understand how to incorporate the needs of under-resourced communities in future climate planning, DEP is asking for your input as it develops a Guide to Climate Action for Environmental Justice Communities. DEP and its contractor, Preservation Design Partnership (PDP), along with local partners, are hosting public engagement sessions to listen to communities, discuss their climate adaptation needs, and learn what state government and others can do to assist them in becoming more sustainable and resilient in the face of climate change.
Share Your Views in an Online Survey
If you want to provide more detailed input, or can’t make an engagement session, visit the Climate Action for Environmental Justice Communities StoryMap to take one or more surveys to share your views on climate challenges your community is experiencing and how DEP can better meet the climate adaptation needs of Pennsylvanians in under-resourced areas. Surveys are separated by topic area and should each take 15 minutes or less to complete.
Surveys will remain open through the end of April.
To learn more about climate change in Pennsylvania and what steps we can take to fight it, please see DEP’s climate change webpage.
Saturday April 28th - 1 PM
"The Dreamers" - DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival)
Wyomissing LIbrary - Wyomissing, PA
Intercultural programs presented by the Berks InterCultural Alliance and the Wyomissing Public LibraryPanel discussion moderated by College and Career Consultant Myrna Fuchs, featuring young adults from the community
The panelists will talk about why their families emigrated to the United States, what country they came from, how they got here, what their experiences have been like in Berks County, and issues they have had to deal with in school and in the workplace. To learn more: To
email the library, or call the library at 610-374-2385.
Capitol Lobby Day - April 26th
Pennsylvania State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA
Join us at the Capitol in Harrisburg to collaborate with League members, meet with your legislators, and advocate for League priorities like improving elections.
· 10:00-10:30: Welcome and Training
· 10:30-12:00: Legislative Meetings
· 12:00-1:00: Lunch in Capitol Cafeteria
· 1:00-1:45: Continued Legislative Meetings
· 2:00-2:30: Press Conference
· 2:30-3:00: Debrief and Wrap Up
Coming soon - April Voter Registration Events in Berks County:
Providence House
Henner (Womelsdorf)
Reading Area High School in association with the NAACP - April 17th - April 21st*
Email us to find out the dates & times and exact locations
Saturday April 22nd - Noon to 6 PM
Berks County Earth Day
Center Park, Reading, PA
Join LWV Berks as they help share awareness about Earth Day and how you can contribute. Stop by the league's table to learn more about how your vote counts with any earth related issue in PA; plus learn about how to register to vote and more! Click here for more info about this
Earth Day event.
Candidate Forum - April 11th, 7:30 PM
LWV-Berks moderates theDemocratic Candidate Forum – Candidates in Democratic Party race for County Commissioner
Check back soon for more info.
Hot Topics: Youth Homelessness - April 5th
BCIU joins LWV-Berks to shine light on this topic in our county.
The League Presents: Candidate Interviews - Friday March 31st
Check back soon for more information.
Monday March 20th - 11 AM to 1:30 PM
Spring Sustainable Care Fest & Spring Celebration
Penn State Berks Campus
Join LWV Berks as they help PSU Berks celebrate Spring and all thing sustainable. Stop by our table to say hello or learn more about how to register to vote or how to get involved with LWV-Berks. To learn more:
Spring Sustainable Care Fest - Google Docs
Tuesday March 14th - 8 PM
The League Presents - Feeding Future Generations: Farming & Climate Change
Program recording runs: 3/17 at 2 PM; 3/20 at 11AM; and 3/21 at 4PM
Click here for more information about this program.
Winter 2023:
February 27th, 6 PM
Equity Initiative Webinar: Courage, Purpose, and Resiliance
Hosted by LWV Pennsylvania's Equity Initiative and NAACP of Reading, PA
Celebrate Black History Month, highlighting the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) and Dr. Dorothy Height’s 40 Year Legacy as President during this webinar. The stories of Black American women speak of courage, purpose and resilience. They belong centered in our consciousness. We feature a discussion with those who led the way to forge freedom, and speak with leaders continuing the struggle for equity and inclusion today. We will discuss the life and work of Dr. Dorothy Height, civil rights activist and past NCNW President for over 40 years. Dr Height was known for wearing many colorful hats. All are welcome to join and wear their favorite hat to honor this inspiring national leader, an evening with Pennsylvania State Coalition of the NCNW (National Council of Negro Women and the LWV of Greater Pittsburgh Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative. For more info:
contact Reading NAACP.
Tuesday February 21st, 3 PM
VOTE 411 Discussion
February 15th
Community Resources and Collaboration Town Hall
Berks County, PA
This in-person forums is a great way for Re. Houlahan to connect with everyone about available resources, and help her shape our community’s priorities in Washington D.C. At the town hall, she’ll provide a brief update on her work on community safety, education, and health care – followed by a live question-and-answer session. She'll be joined by community leaders as guest panelists. They will share updates on their work and answer your questions.
For more info, contact Rep. Houlahan
February 14th, 8 to 9 PM
The League Presents - State of PA Government
LWV Berks speaks with Patrick Christmas (Committee of Seventy) and Carol Kuniholm (Fair Districts PA)
Hosted by LVW-Berks
Watch the show's recording at
January 30th - 6 pm
Wyomissing Public Library
Town Hall with your elected officials
State Senator Judy Schwank & State Representative Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz discuss their legislative priorities and welcome questions from the community.
January 23rd, h, time - 6 pm
Speaker of the PA House Mark Rozzi’s Listening Tour
St. Joe's
January 6th - Noon
Justice: Our Freedoms, Our Vote rally
SW Corner 5th & Penn St in Reading, PA
Declaration for American Democracy and Berks Stands Up
Mark the second anniversary of the insurrection; January 6 was a dark day in America. March to ensure such a tragedy never happends again. Event speakers: PA State Reps for Reading Manny Guzman and Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz
To view our 2022 events,
click here.